Durban metabolic surgery center joins ranks of the few in SA accredited to perform a specialized procedure
The Durban Metabolic Surgery Centre, run by well-known surgeons Dr Gert du Toit and Dr Ivor Funnell, has been accredited by the South African Society for Surgery, Obesity and Metabolism (SASSO) to perform the highly advanced Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS) surgery. Performing procedures at Netcare St Augustine’s and Netcare uMhlanga hospitals, Drs Du Toit and Funnell started performing laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery – the preferred procedure for morbid obesity and associated illnesses including type 2 diabetes – in 2006. Since then the team has completed approximately 660 procedures, which have achieved some life-changing results for patients. Read more: